Thursday, May 7, 2009

Our blog has moved!

Here is our new blog:

Come check it out!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Catching up. I'll post a few pics at a time because it takes so long to download to this site for some reason!
This was our Spring break trip to Oregon. Our friends came up from Salem to our campsite and we had a great day riding and playing.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

February 2009

Valentine's Day and the kids show us how to dance

Sara dancing

Sara the beautiful ballerina

Jacob on his skateboard

February at the Schonemans
I'm not sure what happened to February but tomorrow March is here. I'm now a month out from starting my new job. I am so ready to make the change. Sara did a ballet performance last night. We spent a lot of time at the YMCA this week. Today she had swim lessons and Jacob had gymnastics.
Jacob will have his bone graft surgery and fistula closure on May 7th. We are ready to get this behind us. If all goes well he won't need any more surgery until he's about 18.
We are beginning to see very real signs of Spring. The rain held off all day and David spent the day working on the yard, getting my herb garden area set. When I finally finished running the kids around I actually did some planting. I am ready to start the vegetable garden, too, but have to wait a few weeks at least. I am so ready for Spring! The snow mid week really messed with me! I am done with Winter!
Lots going on in March and will try to keep up on the blog a little better.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

A few pics from last weekend's camping trip

Jacob's latest creation, his spaceship

David who hates his picture being taken

Danny and Austin by the fire

Jacob hard at work

Sara and her cousins playing at the playground

This has been quite a week. I gave my notice at work on Tuesday. My boss handled it quite well, which was an answer to prayer. I will be leaving my job the end of March and moving on, back to orthopedics which I love. I am really looking forward to spending more time in surgery and the bonus is, it's also very close to home. It's hard to make a big move in the middle of my career but I know it's the right thing for me to do. I'm excited for this new adventure.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Yet another Jacob creation

Sara with her best friend, Katie

Jacob and another one of his creations

Here's Jacob doing another puzzle, he's amazing at these

It's already mid-January, and the holidays are now behind us. The kids are both already thinking about their birthdays. A little early, I tell them, but they like to plan. This weekend we went down to Lake Arrowhead. We took Grandma Betty's new picnic table down which the kids helped daddy make for Grandma. It looks good. We enjoyed a roaring campfire which was appreciated because it got really cold last night! The trailer stayed toasty warm, though. We would have all slept good except for the dog who decided at about 4am it was time to get the day going. I definitely did not appreciate that! I don't think David did, either! The kids seemed to sleep right through it all. I'll post some camping pictures tomorrow.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009

Happy New Year!
Wow, it's already 2009. David and I were able to enjoy a rare night out. The kids' cousin, Jessica, came and stayed with them while mom and dad went out to Duke's on the waterfront. Very nice. It reminds me of Hawaii.
Then, since it was cold and rainy, we opted for a movie. We were still home long before midnight, but it was great to have some adult time and the kid's love it when Jessica stays with them.
I've added a few pics of Sara playing basketball with our new basketball hoop. That was the kid's major present this year. (The dog loves it, too.) Sara loves it and hopefully Jacob will, too, once the weather warms up. He asked for and got his own basketball for Christmas so I think it's only a matter of some warmer days. Right now he'd rather stay inside and play with all of his toys. He asked when Summer will be here. He was disappointed to discover that we have just entered Winter!
It seems from the snow and ice we had that it's been around a lot longer than a week!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

An Afternoon at the Museum of Flight

With the weather changing for the better, we ventured up to Seattle for a visit to the Museum of Flight, or as Jacob calls it, the airplane place.